#HMB 231 - Creative Loafing Tampa Swapcast with Scott Harrell (@harrellscott)
Creative Loafing Tampa Editor & Chief Scott Harrell with a dog, name of Bartleby, official mascot of HMBradio.com!
If there is one group of folks I have more disdain for right now than comedians it's probably the Jews...no, no, no, I'm kidding obviously. That title would most definitely go to the news media. I think there has probably always been a bias with journalists, it’s hard to avoid, they are human (I think) after all but we didn’t have google back in “the day” to fact check them. I know a few journalists personally and most of them write about Harry Potter and comic books and stuff which is a great gig if you can get it but isn’t that just called a blog? What’s the point of even going to journalism school? You don’t have to learn how to cite sources to drone on about how Trump is actually Voldemort. They will talk about “Faux News” at great lengths and then counter an argument with a ThinkProgress.com article with no sense of irony. They generally think a lot of themselves. They are the bastion of enlightenment who are put on Earth to inform these plebs of not how it is, but how it should be, and they hold up signs for their social media accounts saying as much. Most of us have a word for this type of journalism: propaganda.
Workin' 9-5 to get back to their cats.
The snarky tweets to politicians from journalists I follow on Twitter tells me all I need to know about the media-class on the whole. The political divide is at an all time high. For every Think Progress there is a Breitbart. For every CNN there is a FOX News. It’s a challenge to find outlets who are moderate (if you know of any, please let me know). A lot of these outlets don’t even write about news anymore but events that happened that they manipulate into a smear against the political party they don’t like, and they usually get it wrong.
These outlets post videos taken years back in a completely different country and present it as the current bombing of some other country that the US is bombing today. It makes me wonder if these people are just insanely bad at their jobs or if they are being intentionally deceitful. I’m unsure about which is worse.
It’s totally unacceptable and they should be held accountable either way. Though, it’s also important to realize what these people are and recognize there is an agenda. We have google and we need to use it. Overall, the responsibility is on us, the public, to be a smarter consumer. If there’s one place in media where commentary is acceptable though it’s the alt-weekly papers. Creative Loafing has been a staple here in the bay area for decades and are some of the best at it. They’re upfront and honest about where they stand and what they are doing. You have to have respect for that. It’s a ballsy move to say what you want at the risk of hurting your bottom line. New Editor and Chief Scott Harrell stops by The Homemade Broadcast to talk about his vision for the paper and how media is evolving.
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts. We like them more than a friend.