#HMBlog: Woman arrested after throwing drink at Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz
Amanda Kondrat’yev mugshot or perhaps a candid of her thinking about cake.
Meet Amanda Kondrat’yev, a portly lady with a milkshake problem. No, this isn’t a fat joke, I swear. Amanda was arrested over the weekend for tossing a milkshake at Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz who kind of resembles a real-life, adult version of Nelson Muntz, doesn’t he? Amanda, who ran against Gaetz as a Democrat during the last election and took a big L seems to be pretty bitter about her defeat because she took up the new trend of dousing “far-right” politicians with a delicious milkshake. “Far-right” politician, from what I can tell is anyone who isn’t a registered Democrat. While Amanda looks like she wouldn’t dare waste a milkshake, missing out on the calories was more important for the noble cause of assaulting a fellow human being because we live in Bizarro World. She was arrested and changed with battery. How long before the milkshake phenomenon becomes bricks instead? Who knows, but I’m sure these people will have a good excuse for that too. Here’s a video of the incident in question: