#HMBlog: Scammer exploits Hurricane Dorian by assuming local weatherman's identity.
ABC Action News Tampa Bay’s Denis Phillips
Nothing brings out the best in people more than a Natural Disaster that causes mass-destruction. Somehow, we are able to forget who your neighbor voted for when something like that happens and our natural born compassion tends to be unearthed. Maybe these things should happen more often if only for the fact…
However, these same events tend to also bring out the worst of our nature too. Some schmuck inevitably decides to exploit that compassion and try to scam somebody. That happened this weekend when Denis Phillips, meteorologist at ABC here in Tampa Bay shared a Facebook post where it would seem his identity was co-opted for the cause of separating a fool with their money.
These folks who try to tend to try this crap tend to be only slightly brighter than the actual people who fall for this stuff but still, it happens. Just remember that no one, especially a local weatherman is going to cold-call over Facebook to get donations for something like this. Never. If you want to donate to Hurricane Dorian relief there are legit charity’s like the American Red Cross & others. Be smart or at least a functioning adult- keep your head on a swivel.