#HMB 234 - I'm Offended That You're Offended
I'm sorry you feel that way.
It's been a whirlwind week. The thing with time is that there is never enough of it. I got to do some cool stuff this week and got a lot of airtime on The Bone including filling in on the morning show which was a hell of an experience. No one cares though, you still gotta get your stuff done when you say you will so this weeks pod I'm all by my lonesome stuttering and stammering my way though this weeks stories that caught my eye. This week it's mostly about people being offended- a professor got in trouble for making an old elevator joke and a local journalist finds The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art problematic for perpetuating stereotypes or some bullcrap. As we all know, art needs to be totally historically accurate. She caught a lot of flack for the article from readers so I feel bad for kind of piling on but seriously, get a grip, ASAP. Kitsch? Sure, but it's not a problem, it's just tacky art that one person dislikes. Welcome to my life, everyday. Anyhoo, check out the pod below:
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts. We like them more than a friend.