#HMB 244 - Don't Go to College
This latest Tony Daniel sign has gone too far...
This week on the pod we get into my crushing student loan debt & I have some advice for younger folks thinking about going to school and come up with a con to try to get out of the debt. Local lunatic Tony Daniel is facing some serious jail time after a fight with some other lunatics on a street corner in Tampa. Check out the video courtesy of the Tampa Bay Times:
Ladies, stop trying to fight men, you'll get hurt and if you punch a lunatic you might die for the love of God. Don't engage, avoid eye contact and keep moving, that goes for you too fella's...
Finally, we talk a little about the Trump-Putin fiasco earlier last week in Helsinki. SPOILER: it didn't go very well...
Check out this weeks pod here:
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts.