#HMB-sides: Mike Calta
A podcast at least 6 or 7 years in the making. 102.5 The Bone's Mike Calta joins me to talk radio and what races we are attracted to the most.
The Mike Calta Show
Calta & Kelly Podcast
A podcast at least 6 or 7 years in the making. 102.5 The Bone's Mike Calta joins me to talk radio and what races we are attracted to the most.
The Mike Calta Show
Calta & Kelly Podcast
Hello friends, I hope your 2021 is looking bright so far. Granted we are a few days in and it feels much the same as 2020 but who knows what is in store. I guess that’s part of the fun, isn’t it? We can hope and maybe we will get lucky. Yes, objectively “the new year” doesn’t really exist and it’s just the Earth completing one rotation around the Sun. I’m sure Neil deGrasse Tyson has already crafted an annoying tweet alerting us all to this reality in his snarky tone that only he can bluster. That aside, we will pin up our new calendars and it gives the illusion of a fresh start, it feels new even though it’s very old.
I’ve been enjoying my “time off” which has been pretty work filled. I had the opportunity over the past few months to fill in on The Mike Calta Show over Thanksgiving and Christmas with Johnny B. It’s rewarding knowing those guys trust us with that show and always good to pick up a few dozen social media followers with that exponentially larger audience (by the way, follow me at @home_made_man on Instagram and Twitter). I have to remember sometimes to take a step back, I get frustrated with where I’m at now and while you don’t want to look back you have to take a quick peek sometimes just to remember how long the road is behind you even though there’s still a lot of terrain still to go. Of course we all want to change the world and maybe even conquer it. Alas, we’re dogs chasing a car, we wouldn’t know what to do with the car if we caught it (aside from getting dragged along the asphalt and broken teeth). One step at a time, I guess. At least it would make a funny Instagram video.
I started this podcast many years ago and I’m still no where close to where I thought it would be by now and that’s okay. It’s a bummer but it’s okay. From what I’ve read about others experience with creating content is that it’s irrelevant until it’s not and there’s a good chance it might not ever be. That tipping point is instantaneous though so I’ll keep talking and chasing the carrot. There’s always time to kill, hopefully.
The subject matter of HMBradio has changed over the years from getting high with my roommate and being as edgy as possible, trying to garner some attention which is hard when you are quite literally a nobody screaming into the void. I started having on my friends and then their friends who were artists and makers in St. Pete. I miss those shows but I don’t miss chasing people down and getting stood up on more occasions than I would have liked. Working a day-job and then being promoted to a “full-time” on-air personality on The Bone has been a dream come true but it’s hindered the podcast, no doubt. I don’t have the time to chase people down anymore, are there even artists left here in St. Pete? I’m very much out of the loop on the cultural scene here in town, all I see are rich women carrying little dogs in yoga pants. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying…
I guess I’m adapting to my environment and what the city is now. The podcast kind of turned into me complaining about media and politics and that probably isn’t interesting to people who were sitting through boring chats with local artists who are local for a reason. When Anna got fired from The Bone and Stay Woke ended it allowed the opportunity to essentially do Stay Woke via podcast which is where the show is now. I’m excited about that prospect moving forward, we work well together. The podcast will be back next week and back on Radio St. Pete on Sunday the 10th. I’d like to beg and plead with you to subscribe to the podcast where you get your podcasts, it should be everywhere. I’d also like to ask that you share it and give it a five star rating, these are small things and they help out immensely.
If you receive this message and take the time to read it- I hope you enjoyed your holiday, I hope you have a job, I hope you aren’t going hungry and I hope you’re doing well enough. I know there are many who aren’t and I hope things get better soon. Please forgive my grammar and spelling errors. Talk soon. -W
SPECIAL EMERGENCY BROADCAST! #HMB-sides: A special broadcast with Anna Hummel & Dr. Michael Teng from USF Health talking the Covid-19 Coronavirus. Aired 03/15/2020 from the 102.5 The Bone studio in St. Petersburg, Florida.
The Homemade Broadcast this week, Rays baseball is back! Expectations are high buy will they make the playoffs? M’eh, I dunno, I don’t want to jinx them. A high profile activist For The People whose next cause is getting the minimum wage up to 15 dollars an hour here in Florida get’s called out by a local rag for not paying his employees 15 dollars an hour. The problem I found however is that they pay a third party company to take their inbound calls so the firm isn’t the one paying the workers directly. Some of these people are really, really bad at their jobs. And finally, Jussie Smollett gets 16 felony charges dropped out of the blue and don’t worry, there’s nothing fishy going at all, do not look behind the curtain.
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:10PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via your favorite podcast app, just search "HMBradio Tampa Bay". Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Truvy salon & spa - truvysalonandspa.com
Homemade Podcasts - homemadepodcasts.com
NTT Fitness - NTTfitness.com, use code LEVELUP15 to get 15% off your first order!
This week I had a few new developments on last weeks show when we discussed The Most Hated Man in St. Pete: I finally said something to some of my peers who post endlessly about this guy and it went better than I thought it was going to go. I invited him to come on the podcast but he hasn’t responded to the message which I’m kind of relieved to tell you the truth but I’m also bummed. I think he would be an interesting fella to talk to. Anyway, I’m still happy to have him on if he wants to chat (if you’re reading this). Also, we talk about smokable Medical Marijuana on it’s way to being legalized in Florida. Isn’t it just time to end the prohibition on it once and for all though. I know, I know, baby steps…
How about we just decriminalize marijuana & stop throwing people in jail for it? https://t.co/F3lyGvxFrS
— Will Kuncz (@home_made_man) March 13, 2019
Also, I got in a fight with a friend of mind and I thought I was being stupid but I still think I’m right. Check out the pod and be sure to Rate & Subscribe to #HMBradio Tampa Bay in iTunes or Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts. It only takes a second and it really helps me out.
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:10PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via your favorite podcast app, just search "HMBradio Tampa Bay". Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Truvy salon & spa - truvysalonandspa.com
Homemade Podcasts - homemadepodcasts.com
NTT Fitness - NTTfitness.com, use code LEVELUP15 to get 15% off your first order!
Merry Christmas, gang! Last pod of the year features how the holiday brings out the best and worst in us, why living in Florida may be beneficial to your health & a clip talking about the new holiday dating trend: Scrooge-ing, where you break up with a partner in order to not have to buy them a gift.
I’m going to take a few weeks off from the pod to enjoy the holiday but I’ll still be doing Stay Woke and hopefully will be filling in on some of the other daytime shows so follow me on Twitter & I’ll let you know. Otherwise, I’ll talk to you in a few weeks. I hope you have a great holiday and I thank you much for your support. Check out the pod below & I’ll talk with you next year.
If you want to get in touch, leave a voice or text message over at: (813) 693-2124 and if you like the show, tell a friend about it, share on your social media, rate and subscribe where you listen to the podcast. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising so I appreciate you's taking the time to do it.
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts.
The Homemade Broadcast this week: is the UCF Knight football program THAT good? Tampa Bay get's a XFL team in 2020, hear the debut track "Brothers" from local band The Distinguished Order of Disobedience & online dating horror stories. Get in touch with the show, leave a text or voicemail at: (813) 693-2124 & visit HMBradio.com
Get your FREE #HMBradio/Radio St. Pete stickers! Email thehomemadebroadcast@radiostpete.com your address and we'll send some out. Follow us on twitter/instagram: @home_made_man & check out the HMBradio Facebook
If you want to get in touch, leave a voice or text message over at: (813) 693-2124 and if you like the show, tell a friend about it, share on your social media, rate and subscribe where you listen to the podcast. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising so I appreciate you's taking the time to do it.
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts.
This latest Tony Daniel sign has gone too far...
This week on the pod we get into my crushing student loan debt & I have some advice for younger folks thinking about going to school and come up with a con to try to get out of the debt. Local lunatic Tony Daniel is facing some serious jail time after a fight with some other lunatics on a street corner in Tampa. Check out the video courtesy of the Tampa Bay Times:
Ladies, stop trying to fight men, you'll get hurt and if you punch a lunatic you might die for the love of God. Don't engage, avoid eye contact and keep moving, that goes for you too fella's...
Finally, we talk a little about the Trump-Putin fiasco earlier last week in Helsinki. SPOILER: it didn't go very well...
Check out this weeks pod here:
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts.
America, still looking good after 242 years. This week on the pod I'm just checking in on you. Between the holiday break and filling in for Roger & JP on The Bone I didn't have much time but just popping my head in to tell you about the greatest video of all time involving a man named Terry who got into a sticky situation involving fireworks and a motorized wheelchair. It may be the greatest video on the internet: you're welcome. Other than that, Chris Brown was arrested in Tampa before his performance for beating someone up...shocker.
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts.
CNN: Travel host Anthony Bourdain dead at 61 by suicide. Photo courtesy of Bay News 9.
This one stings a little more. Anthony Bourdain was a guy I watched for many years as I lived vicariously though him as he ate and drank his way through the world. I appreciated his perceived toughness but openness to new experiences and cultures and was grateful I got to at least witness them through the box in my living room. I hope to have a fraction of the experiences he got to have in his life one day. He ended his life last week in a hotel room in France. Strung himself up with a bathrobe belt. What a waste...
I'm sympathetic to mental illness. I was medicated pretty heavily from 6 years old to 16. When I was a boy I tried to do the same thing with a belt, luckily I was a kid and didn't understand the process to succeed in the mission. I've had very close family members take a whole bottle of their medication and thankfully didn't succeed. I'm sure many of us have the same stories. Something is very wrong with our culture. Suicide is up 30 percent since 1999, according to the CDC. Even people who appear to have it all are susceptible. There's always been some romanticism to the act itself. Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson come to mind off hand. The drive to want to be in control so much that even controlling when and where you leave the planet becomes a paramount in life. It's really the only thing we could control in life if you think about it; no other outside variables. We're just here for such a short time. Can't we grit through 80 years or so? We have forever for the converse...
I don't know, I'm sympathetic to it though. If you don't want to live anymore, why should you have to? It's a shame for the people who loved you and many of them won't be the same because of the act for the rest of their lives. Many taut the trope that we need to spend more on mental healthcare in America. They seem to be ignorant to the fact that people on psychiatric medication is alarming in this country with side-effects including, ironically, "suicide". I'm definitely not one of those people who hates corporations as much as I probably should but Big Pharma appears to be one of the more nefarious business' out there. Between creating a opioid epidemic and potentially creating drugs that lead to suicide that 1 in 6 American's are on, it may be time to start pointing fingers at the elephant in the room...
Anyhoo, this week on the podcast I got stood up again by a guest so I'm all by my lonesome talking Wyoming banning Rap after Kanye West's ranch listening party, Hurricane Maria death numbers become a point of contention in the Florida Senate race between Bill Nelson & Rick Scott and Miss America pageant ditches the swimsuits and becomes a "competition". Let me know what you think in the comments below or leave a voice or text message at (813) 693-2124. Check out the pod, here:
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts. We like them more than a friend.
John Jacobs and Josh Santos from TampaNewsForce.com stop by The #HMB on 05/25/2018.
Hang on a minute, take a knee. It was kind of a back-burner issue at this point but the players who opted to take a knee during the National Anthem at NFL games are back in the news. Earlier last week the NFL announced a policy to fine teams whose players opt to take a knee during the ceremony. So, everyone is freaking out again. For the vast majority, it's another tribal issue and you feels a certain way about it based on whether you have a D or an R next to your name on your Voter ID Card. If you're a D, Trump is an A-Wipe and all of a sudden you're worried about rights again and if you have an R next to your name you like the move because these players are disrespecting the country and military and those things rule. Again, however, this is another thing where it's not black & white, nuance exists. I thought a lot about it this week because I see both sides of the argument. I believe that people should have the right to protest peacefully but I also agree that you shouldn't necessarily have the right do it at your place of business. From what I can tell, the kneeling thing started as a statement against a perceived injustice of police brutality against black Americans. Now agree or disagree with the sentiment, it has nothing to do with military or America but that compartmentalized issue. You can't blame the other side for believing it's about bashing America though seeing as the protest takes place during the time when the anthem is played. It's a timing thing. When else would the players have the time during a game to make that statement during a game? They wouldn't, it's kind of the only time. Should they? I mean, look, the bottom line for me is these guys are at work and if the boss says "not on my time" then fair enough. If they're activists outside of the game then there's little the NFL and owners can do about it; so players, save it for interviews and social media and just stand during the anthem. It's apparently part of the job.
Well, now that issue is solved, get up and let's get to the goods. Tampa News Force is in the building. It's a fascinating concept trying to make the news entertaining and funny. It's not the Daily Show it's more hitting the streets and just asking people involved, "what's going on here"? It's weird, to be frank but oddly engaging. It's brought criticism from major news outlets like the Tampa Bay Times' Tony Marrero and Howard Altman who thought it was in poor taste and after a brief Twitter spat, John went to confront them and ask why they were upset with what he was doing...as journalists do:
It's just a different spin on news but it's not fake. Tampa News Force is just asking what's going on and trying to also bring some comedic flare to it. I know that most journalists see themselves us some moral gate-keeper but people are sick of it. Go cry on your blog and just tell us what's happening in the world, A-wipes...
I know many are over-worked and underpaid and just miserable people in general. I work in radio, I get it but lighten up would ya? Anyway, Tampa News Force is bringing comedy and journalism together in one evening at the Tampa Improv on May 31st. You can get free tickets if you enter code "TNF" at checkout. Listen to the podcast with the fellas here:
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts. We like them more than a friend.
Johnny B & Your Boy Bill in the Fat Cave Studio 2/28/2018
I’ve only met one person from Russia in my life. Actually, I think he was from Ukraine or somewhere Eastern European but for this instance its close enough. He was one of the weirdest human beings I have ever met in my life. He gave me a business card as he introduced himself. It wasn’t from his job, it was just a card he had made on one of those “10,000 cards for 3 bucks” websites. It was his card- I can’t remember exactly what it said but I held onto it for years because it was so funny. It was even funnier because this dude was one-hundred-percent-serious. It said something along the lines of “Liver of Life and lover of women” with his name and phone number on it on top of a photo of a glass of red wine. What a psycho, right? He was almost an albino with fine, almost white hair. He looked like a little naked mole rat. He spoke English well but spoke like he was part of the monarchy, it was highborn British English like he was over-the-top auditioning for a school play putting on a Shakespeare production.
That can’t be what normal Russians are like. I would never want to go to Russia in a million years, it looks like it sucks, sorry. They’re famous for their auto insurance scams where people try to get hit for the insurance money and it has become such a big business that everyone has a dash-cam to prove their innocence. Sure, it’s entertaining for the internet but holy-moly, what a risk. Is potential death worth it for a few hundred bucks? In Russia, maybe…
We’re all talking about the Russians now. They stand accused as being the biggest troll country in the world that use the internet and unsuspecting citizens of the US to carry out their agenda which appears to be to disrupt and get us to fight with each other. From Facebook posts that I’ve seen, it appears to be working like gangbusters.
The other threat, of course, is a Nuclear Holocaust with the nation and mutually assured destruction of the world. “The Russian president presented a video animation suggesting Florida – home of the US military’s central command – is a nuclear target” was the by-line in the Guardian last week with a picture of King Vlad next to St. Pete’s own Grey Fox and sultry bearded Mayor Rick Krisman flanking him to the left. Me—owwwwwww. “We trust the inclusion of our region in that video was simply random,” he said of the video. One thing is for sure- if it goes down, it will be swift and painless for us over in Tampa Bay.
This week on the podcast my pal and radio mentor Johnny B stops by. We talk about the current condition of comedy, the radio business and our love for those things. See when Johnny B is performing stand-up comedy in the area at this website HERE and tune into The Johnny B Show on 102.5 The Bone every weeknight at 10PM.
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone. The Homemade Broadcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: Taphouse 61 , Truvy Salon & Spa & Homemade Podcasts. We like them more than a friend.
I screwed up. I was under the impression that things were cooling down a bit and the hysteria of the political climate had started to settle. I thought I could make a joke...OK, not a joke, but a criticism without stirring the pot. Boy, was I mistaken after nearly 300 comments logged on my personal Facebook page. Our president made a comment regarding letting in immigrants from "Shithole Countries". I watched from the Social Media Mountain while some of my friends and acquaintances became apoplectic with rage over the comment and voice the displeasure on their accounts lambasting the sentiment. I would certainly agree- it's not a very nice thing to say and we should expect more from our Commander in Chief. However, we all know what he is and are you really surprised?
I made a comment poking fun at my fellow white compadres mocking the fact that how dare he say that about a country even though before today they never thought about these places before today. They may have donated $10 to the Red Cross during the disaster relief telethon a few years ago but that's the only finger they've ever lifted for these places. They don't really care and their rage over a word was silly because the only way they visit these places is if it were on a 5-Star, All-Inclusive Resort that was protected by armed guards (most of them hate guns too). Most responded with a "thumbs up", others turned it into a personal debate about Trump vs Obama (for whatever reason) and then some just got plain mad at me about it.
I'm just sick of the phoniness. The holier than thou fake outrage. The pearl-clutching lambasting from these people who have little to no reason to complain about anything. A friend of mine called the comment "tasteless" and went on to infer that I condone the statement (nope, I don't) and another, Crocodile Deathspin from SunGhosts, a rock-band based in Miami went on to call me just about every name in the book (safely from behind his brand new Macbook, I'm sure). I liked the kid when I met him when the whole band came in for a podcast the beginning of last year but I haven't talked to any of those guys since but we were all Facebook buds.
He went ahead and decided I needed a good scolding and digitally wagged his finger in my face while hurling expletives at me, totally misunderstanding what my critique was. I didn't bite, I'm not gonna fight with this dude over a misunderstanding. He continued his tirade from many comments even after other jumped in to defend me and at one point concluded that he understood what I was saying but that it just wasn't funny. Well, it wasn't really a joke. I replied that he clearly didn't understand what I was trying to say because I wrote it, and I understand what I was trying to say. No one knows better what you actually meant more than other people. By this point he has removed me as a friend and since my post is set to friends only, he was unable to respond or see any future comments (consider yourself lucky Croc, this crap went on for days). So adios, buddy, I'll miss our online interactions that we never had and if you're ever in town and want to do a podcast: holla, holla, holla!
Anyhoo, podcast this week welcomes back local Renaissance Woman, Arielle Stevenson. She has a new venture called Hello Darlin' Records, a mobile record shop based out of a restored VW Bus. Local idiot/comedian Zac Townsend was visiting so he sat in on this one too. Always good having Zacky Boy around. Check out the podcast below:
The #HMB airs Sunday's on Radio St. Pete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) Leave a voice or text message for the show @: (813) 693-2124 or hit me up on our Facebook page or on twitter. Don't forget to tune into Stay Woke with Anna Hummel & myself weeknights after the Johnny B Show at midnight on 102.5 The Bone.
Image from Joe Sale & design by Leah Lauber
When I started #HMBradio, I did it in part to get on the radio, the real radio. When I started #HMBradio, I wanted to be on a radio station with a vision. I wanted to be apart of a group of brash, unapologetic & unwavering on-air talent with the goal of changing the way people viewed talk radio. I wanted to be on The Bone.
Now, in some small capacity, I have that opportunity as the co-host of "#StayWoke" with Anna Hummel every weeknight at midnight. You know, it's a start. I get to work with and learn from some of the best radio veterans in the state if not the country. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be on-air, in a Top 20 market when just 5 years ago I was a guy talking into an iPhone with my roommate on the first The Homemade Broadcast bitching about the lawnmower going off outside and the phone picking up that noise on the recording. It's surreal.
It's a hell of a way to end the year on a accomplishment like that. I'll still be putting out podcasts on "#HMBradio Tampa Bay" weekly on Tuesday mornings in 2018 so please, if you haven't, subscribe and rate the show. It only takes a minute and really helps out. The Homemade Broadcast airs Sunday's on RadioStPete @ 6:15PM & Monday's at 10:15PM or on demand via Stitcher (http://bit.ly/2wuLR7a) or iTunes (https://goo.gl/xKN5OY) & of course, tune in to #StayWoke at midnight on 102.5 The Bone.